I have sports-induced asthma.

I rarely carry my inhaler on me. Too bulky and I feel self-conscious when using it.

“It feels like an invisible force preventing you from breathing… like that scene where Darth Vader is choking someone.”

Jon, 20-year-old asthmatic

300 in-person discovery customer interviews

Participation in Simone Center Start-Up Incubator. Interviews with asthmatics, doctors, and other industry experts.

From our research, we learned others had issues with the form factor. This led to more form refinement.

Emily, Age 19

“I wish my dad would carry his inhaler but he doesn’t like the size.”

Zephair Asset6.jpg

Jonah, Age 30

“I know I should bring it with me when I run but it is annoying to jog with.”

Zephair Asset7.jpg

Randy, Age 42

“The shape is really uncomfortable, weird, and doesn’t fit in my pocket.”

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How might we make asthma inhalers easier to carry around for sports-induced asthmatics?

Many asthma attacks are avoidable with proper treatment and care.

-Center for Disease Control, 2019

Redesign the Actuator

  • The aerosol medication would be a design constraint because of existing manufacturing.

  • Develop a more pocket-friendly design.

Proof of Concept

By removing the mouthpiece you make the device 20% smaller.

Is the mouthpiece important?

There are two ways to use an inhaler. You can also hold the inhaler two inches from your face.

The second method is beneficial since more air can be mixed with the medication as the user breathes in.

Mood Board


Equipment and Other Inspiration

Rugged and Durable


Shock Absorbant Outer Shell

Rubber case to save against big falls.

3rd Place in Pitch Competition

In 2018, Zephair entered into RIT’s Tiger Tank Entrepreneurship Competition where over 60 teams presented elevator pitches and business plans.

RIT Simone Center Tiger Tank Semi Finals, 2018

Grow the team

New members were added to the team to better understand the business landscape.

James Sheeler: Project Lead and Head of Design

Affoue Koffi: Finance and Competitive Analysis

Tiree Walker: Supply Chain and Marketing

Matt Locker: Sales and Human Resources

Demo Day - RIT Student Accelerator

Demonstration of customer interviews, business plan, and financial analyses.

Global Student Entrepreneurship Awards

Pitch competition for Zephair and discussion on why I enjoy entrepreneurship.


A breath of fresh air for the inhaler.


Bati - Toy Design